Ergro Amin L

Improves flowering and fruit holding for better plants and higher yields

Ergro Amin L is meticulously crafted to enhance flowering and fruit retention, resulting in healthier plants and increased yields. This specialized formulation boasts a significant concentration of natural amino acids, complemented by fulvic acids and essential plant nutrients. The inclusion of fulvic acids in Ergro Amin L plays a pivotal role in amplifying the efficacy of amino acids, whereby enhancing cellular permeability. This heightened permeability facilitates the superior absorption of both macro and micronutrients across the entire plant, promoting robust growth and development. By optimizing nutrient uptake and utilization, Ergro Amin L fosters stronger flowering, prolonged fruit retention, and ultimately, superior plant yields.

Ergro Amin L


  • Helps plant absorb nutrients, increasing proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and hormones
  • Improves flowering and fruit holding
  • Promotes enzymatic activity and plant metabolism during transpiration and synthesis
  • Increases resistance to stress, generating strong and more vigorous plants
  • Stimulates chlorophyll activity, increasing photosynthesis whild generating a better root system for enhanced nutrient uptake
  • Balances hydric levels during humid or dry conditions
  • Helps prevent freeze damage
  • Enhances the effects of natural hormone regulators

Mode of Action

  • As basic protein compounds, amino acids respond during growing, flowering or fructification, or in times of stress caused by extreme weather changes or illnesses
  • Amino acids chelate with metals, penetrating plants and transporting micronutrients
  • Organic proteins are formed by amino acids, which are then efficiently absorbed by the plant


Ergro® Amin L

To be used in conjunction with

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Our Product Range

Ergo distinguishes itself by providing a comprehensive range of products, enriched with fulvic acid, tailored to support plants from seedling to maturity.