Ergro Set LSS

Additive liquid root enhancer containing 20 nutrients and minerals

Ergro Set LSS is a specialized liquid root enhancer designed to optimize the initial fertilization program for all plants. This innovative solution is highly effective in stimulating and promoting robust plant growth. Enriched with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, essential micronutrients as well as humic and fulvic acids, Ergro Set LSS ensures comprehensive and balanced nutrition to support plant development. It seamlessly integrates into standard irrigation systems, including drip irrigation, can be sprayed next to the row alongside plants, and is compatible with channel watering practices.

Ergro Set LSS


  • Activates soil fertilizers and improves assimilation
  • Increases micro flora
  • Promotes root formation
  • Excellent plant aerial development
  • Promotes more vigorous plants
  • Increases quality and plant yield
  • Allows maximum physiological and genetic expression
  • 100% water soluble

Mode of Action

  • Immediate action with fast plant response enabling plants to assimilate nutrients as they become available
  • Ergro Set LSS is available at the rizosphere, allowing uptake of nutrients through plant and foliar areas
  • Fulvic acids facilitate quick response within the plants
  • Acidic pH helps avoid pathogenic organisms at root level
  • Improves effectiveness of insecticides and fungicides
  • Works well in acidic and alkaline soils
  • Highly compatible with liquid and hydro-soluble fertilizers


Ergro® Set LSS

Questions? Contact our sales team to learn more.

Our Product Range

Ergo distinguishes itself by providing a comprehensive range of products, enriched with fulvic acid, tailored to support plants from seedling to maturity.