Ergro Stim
Seed and foliar spray for enhanced emergence and improved plant health
Ergro Stim, a dedicated foliar and seed spray for plants and crops, is skillfully formulated through a proprietary process aimed at optimizing the vital functions of agricultural crops and plants. Its application to foliage stimulates heightened foliage development, resulting in improved flowering and fructification. This contributes significantly to an enhancement in both crop quantity and quality while simultaneously reducing instances of flower abortion. Additionally, Ergro Stim plays a pivotal role in aiding flower pollination, fostering overall crop health and productivity.
Mode of Action
Ergro Stim’s exclusive formula contains the active ingredients Acid N-Acetil-Tiazoldin 4 Carboxilium (AATC), folic acid and fulvic acid, as well as (additional ingredients here:)
Our Product Range
Ergo distinguishes itself by providing a comprehensive range of products, enriched with fulvic acid, tailored to support plants from seedling to maturity.
Hydro Ergro Set
Additive slow-release granular root enhancer with water retainer.
Ergro Set LSS
Additive liquid root enhancer containing 20 nutrients and minerals.
Ergro Set 20G
Additive slow-release granular root enhancer containing 20 nutrients and minerals.
Ergro Crop
Assists plants in withstanding adverse and stress conditions.
Ergro Stim
Seed and foliar spray for enhanced emergence and improved plant health.
Ergro Amin L
Improves flowering and fruit holding for better plants and higher yields.
Ergro Soil L-40
Improves nutrient and fertilizer assimilation for better metabolic growth.
Ergro Kel Calcium
10% Calcium Chelated with Fulvic Acid and Micronutrients.
Ergro Win
Promotes increase in quantity and quality during flowering and fruit stage.
Ergro K Excel
Improves hardiness, fruit filling and uniformity of plants and fruits.